대사조절학 PPARs
목차 Intro PPARs Four Functional domains of PPARs Gene transcription mechanisms of PPAR Pharmacology and PPAR modulators PPAR γ The gene of PPAR γ The ligands of PPAR γ The Biological effects of PPAR γ PPAR γ & adiopocyte PPAR γ - insulin & body weight PPARγ - macrophages & inflammation PPARγ - cancer PPARα Begining Hypothesis Result PPARδ PPARδ actions Regulation ofEnergy homeostasis ligands conclusion Over View of metabolic roles of the 3 PPARs PPAR γ and PPAR α PPAR γ& obesity Conclusion Reference 본문 Under the Hyperleptinemia condition PPARα is increased during the rapid loss of fat An Experiment of PPARα+/+ and PPARα-/- mice → Food intake and weight are reduced in both mice but fat is reduced only in PPARα+/+ Under the Hyperleptinemia condition fat disappears in 7 days without any relation which is about quantity of free FA or ketone → Thus WAT is transformed to Fat burning cells Expression of PPARα causes leptin action by up-regulating of carnitine palmitoyl transferase(CPT)-1 andacyl CoA oxidase(ACO) which are target enzyme of FA oxidation It can be considered on that fact that in the WAT expression of PPARα is occurred but in the PPARα -/- condition expression of PPARα mRNA is not occurred. PPARα+/+ PPARα-/- Apetite3 Decreased(32%) Decreased(37%) Weight Decreased(8%) Decreased(10%) epididymal fat pad200mg to 90mg (55% reduced)300mg to 280mg (6% reduced) Liver TG Decreased(39%) Unchanged Plasma TG Decreased(34%) Unchanged 본문내용 atalase: H2O2 + R → RH2 + H2O peroxisome proliferator the general name for all the compounds that proliferate peroxisome Ex.) fat, fatty acid, fibrate, prostaglandin etc. PPARs PPARs : Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor - the members of the nuclear receptor superfamily of ligand-inducible transcription factors - Isoforms of PPARs : PPARα, PPAR β/δ, PPARγ PPARα PPARδ PPARγ Four 참고문헌 황우상,김석호,강헌중(2004),Obesity와 PPARδ,대한내분비학회지,제19권 제3호, 250~255 김영설(1998),PPAR과 지질대사,대한내분비학회지,제13권 제3호,303~307 함정엽,원동환,강헌중(2003),PPARδ기능과 리간드의 이해,대한내분비학회지,제18권 제3호,239~249 김용성(1999),비만과PPAR,대한비만학회지,8권1호,17~19 박경수,PPAR γ와 당뇨병,제17차 춘계학술대회,21~27 박경수(1997),PPAR γ와 인슐린 저항성,당뇨병,제21권 제4호,346~351 Sung Sik Choe et al.,Multiple Roles of PPARs and LXRs in Lipid Dysregulation and Metabolic Diseases,제19차 대한 당뇨병학회 춘계학술대회,166 오승준 외(2000),인슐린 비의존형 당뇨병 및 비만증 환자에서의 PPAR γ2 유전자 다형성,대한내과학회지, 제59권 제2호,132~141 이문규(2000),제2형 당뇨병 및 비만증 환자에서의 PPAR γ2 유전자 다형성, 대한내과과학지,제59권 제2호,129~131 차봉수(2001),Role of PPAR γ,대한비만학회지,10권3호,181~185 Sander Kersten, Beatrice Desvergne, Walter Wahli(2000),Roles of PPARs in health and disease,NATURE,VOL405,421~424 Oxana P. Lazarenko et al.(2006),Netoglitazone is a PPAR-γ ligand with selective effects on bond and fat,NIH Public Access,38(1),74~84 Bhavani Prasad Kota, Tom Hsun-Wei Huang, Basil D Roufogalis(2005),An overview on biological mechanisms of PPARs,Pharmacological Reserch,VOL51,85~94 Vasudhevan T. Chetty, Arya M. Sharma(2006),Can PPAR γ agonists have a role in the management of obesity-related hypertension?,Vascular Pharmacology,VOL45,46~53 Arya M. Sharma,Bart Staels(2007),REVIEW:Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γand Adipose Tissue Understanding Obesity-Related Changes in Regulation of Lipid and Glucose MEtabolism,The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology&Metabolism,VOL92,386~395 Robert K. semple, V.Krishna K. Chatterjee, Stephene O’Rahilly(2006),PPAR γ and human metabolic disease,The Journal of Clinical Investigation,VOL116,581~589 Y.Lee et al.(2002), PPARα is necessary for the lipopenic action of hyperleptinemia on white adipose and liver tissue,PNAS,VOL99,11848~11853 Andrew C. Li et al.(2004),Differential inhibition of macrophage foam-cell formation and atherosclerosis in mice by PPARα, β/δ, γ, The Journal of Clinical Investigation, VOL114, 1564~1576 Annemieke Ijpenberg et al. (2004),In vivo activation of PPAR target genes by RXR homodimers,The EMBO Journal,VOL23,2083~2091 Robert S. Rosenson, MD(2007),Effects ofPeroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors on Lipoprotein Metabolism and Glucose Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus,The American Journal of Cardiology,VOL99,96B~104B |
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