생산관리 아모레퍼시픽의 6시그마(식스시그마)와 SCM 사례분석(영문)
[생산관리] 아모레퍼시픽의 6시그마(식스시그마)와 SCM 사례분석(영문).pptx |
목차 1. Introduction 2. Case
Study(6sigma) 3.Study(SCM) 4.Conclusion
본문 Introducing
Background Recent cosmetic retail market is rapidly changing, WHY? The
needof Consumers who want to buy inexpensivecosmetics The change of
distribution channel Trend of cosmetic companies that are seeking a variety
of outlets
Change of Cosmetics distribution channels
Emergence of
Brand shops ↓ Problems of shipments ↓ Difficulty to ship just
using DPS,DAS
The road map of Amore Pacific’s 6
Sigma Goal Establish it in corporate culture Main Tasks Routinize
innovative activities In 2nd stage, 6 Sigma has been widespread in
subsidiaries and cooperative firms Etude, Amos, Jangwon Industry, Pacificglas
본문내용 . Introduction Introduction Conclusion (As of
December, 2010) AMOREPACIFIC Corp. Company name Year of
foundation Founder CEO Location 1945 Suh, Sunghwan Suh,
Kyungbae Head office : Yongsan, Seoul Domestic : R&D center, 4
factories Global : 12 local subsidiaries Sales : KRW
2,252.2billion Operating profit : KRW 355.9billion Financial
performance Number of employees 6,947 in
total China Asia Fra |
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