생산관리 아모레퍼시픽의 6시그마(식스시그마)와 SCM 사례분석(영문)
[생산관리] 아모레퍼시픽의 6시그마(식스시그마)와 SCM 사례분석(영문).docx |
목차 1.INTRODUCTION 2.6 SIGMA 1)Introduction
background 2)The goal of 6 sigma 3)The principle of 6sigma 4)The
process view of 6 sigma 5)The road map of Amorepacifics 6 sigma 6)The
process of 6 sigma in Amorepacific 7)Result
1)SCM 2)Raw material
supply 3)Manufacture 4)Distribution 5)Customer
본문 1.INTRODUCTION Amorepacific
is cosmetics manufacturer in the series Amore Pacific Group which CEO is Suh,
Kyungbae. The mother of the Amorepacific is the Pacific,Ind which is built in
September 1945 by founder Suh, Sunghwan. In June 2006 as Pacific cosmetics,
personal care, food business sector divided, Amorepacific has established. Amore
was named the lyrics Amore Mio (amore mio) is inserted in Italian film criminal
which was popular in Korea. FactoriesSkin CareYong-In Make
upKim-Cheon/O-San Mass CosmeticsDae-Jeon Seol-Rok teaJin-Cheon Table 1.
Amorepacific’s factories
Head office is located in Han-River Road 2
street Yongsan, Seoul. And domestic factories are located in Yong-In,
Kim-Cheon/O-San, Dae-Jeon, Jin-Cheon. And Amorepacific have 12 local
subsidiaries in others country. As Amorepacific is one of the best cosmetics
Company in Korea, their financial performance is huge. Sales is KRW
2,252.2billion(Won), and Operating profit is KRW 355.9billion(Won). Amore
Pacifics performance in 1
본문내용 6 sigma The principle of
6sigma The process view of 6 sigma The road map of Amorepacifics 6
sigma The process of 6 sigma in Amorepacific Result SCM Raw
material supply Manufacture Distribution Customer CONCLUSION
REFERENCES INTRODUCTION Amorepacific is cosmetics manufacturer in the
series Amore Pacific Group which CEO is Suh, Kyungbae. The mother of the
Amorepacific is the Pacific,Ind which is
참고문헌 Designing and managing
the supply / DAVID SIMCHI LEVI / McGraw Hill Supply Chain 프로세스 혁신(SCM 경쟁력 향상을
http://www.amorepacific.co.kr/ http://www.amorepacific.com/about/pop_cyber_factory.jsp http://www.daifukuamerica.com/products/3/13/34/Manufacturing-Distribution/Sorting-Picking-Systems/Pick-Light-system-Digital-Pick-System http://sabo.amorepacific.co.kr/sabo/200509/vision/reform.html http://www.seri.org http://100.naver.com/ |
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