2013년 7월 28일 일요일

화폐금융론 CMI-치앙마이 이니셔티브(Chiang Mai Initiative) 협정의 단점 및 극복방안(영문)

화폐금융론 CMI-치앙마이 이니셔티브(Chiang Mai Initiative) 협정의 단점 및 극복방안(영문)
[화폐금융론] CMI-치앙마이 이니셔티브(Chiang Mai Initiative) 협정의 단점 및 극복방안(영문).ppt

The Financial crisis in Asia : Background of CMI
From CMI to AMF

Main : about CMIM
Scale of Fund
Shares, Contributions and borrowing multiple
Voting power in decision making
Decision making rules

Shortcomings of CMI
To overcome shortcomings
The Future of CMI


CMI, for
Regional & International
Financial Cooperation among Asian countries

Background of CMI
Slumping currencies of Asian countries
Intervention of IMF
and Structural adjustment package
Skepticism over the policies of IMF
The beginning of CMI as a series of
bilateral swap arrangements

of CMI
From CMI to AMF
Main : about CMIM
Scale of Fund
Shares, Contributions and borrowing multiple
Voting power in decision making
Decision making rules
3. Conclusion
Shortcomings of CMI
To overcome shortcomings
The Future of CMI

The Financial crisis in Asia


CMI, for
Regional & International
Financial Cooperation among Asian countries

Background of CMI
Slumping currenc

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