목차 1.What is the knowledge management? 2.Knowledge management
method 3.Case of knowledge management
Management style
of Enterprise is changed (product-information- knowledge)
Companies want to take maximum effect by putting knowledge to
practical use.
Companies institute
knowledge management
1. It invests everything in knowledge , Even
though it is difficult to estimate the profits from the cost
2. A business displays excellent teamwork because of
specialists from various fields.
3. It improves the member’s knowledge
level by making open minded and researchable atmosphere.
Competitiveness of the organization is secured by knowledge management.
본문내용 management method 3 Case of knowledge
1-1. Concept of knowledge management. Knowledge
management. → knowledge management systematically cultivates not only
intellectual assets of an organization but also know-hows of each individual
of the organization, shares the common knowledge within the group,
and maximize the competitiveness of the whole organization by taking
advantage of the a
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